
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tutorial: Make Lego inspired Boxes (Giftwrap or storage)

    I am going to a birthday party for my friend, Jana.  Being that she is one of my craftiest friends, I wanted to make her something.  It's a no-present kind of gathering, so I made something small that I thought she would like.  I originally wanted to make her tea towels with Legos appliqued or printed on them, but I came up against some obstacles.   Instead, I decided to make her a gift box that could be used to store lots of different things.  Here is the finished product!  What do you think?

After the jump you can see exactly how I made it.

Here are the materials that you will need:
-spray paint
-puffy paint
-a Lego shaped box
-4 thick wooden circles
-hot glue or another strong glue

    I found my box and wooden circles at Michael's in the aisle where they have the wooden letters, boxes, ornaments, etc.  The size of circle you need will depend on the box that you choose.  I used 4 circles since I made a square Lego.  Ideally, the puffy paint should be in color similar to your Lego paint.

    To get the project started, I put a thin coat of spray paint on the box and its top.  While the first coat was drying, I started painting the word Lego on each of the circles.  I messed it up a few times, so I just wiped off the paint and tried again.

    Next time I will be sure to write out the word in pencil first.  That would have made this whole step much easier.  And the words would have looked much more alike. time.

    I put two more coats on the box, leaving about 30 minutes between each coat.  Once the puffy paint had dried, I spray painted the circles.  I gave the puffy paint about an hour to dry before they got their first coat of spray paint.

    I let everything dry for about an hour and laid out where I want the circles to go on the top of the box.  I used E6000 glue.  After letting the glue dry for a while, I put three coats of clear spray. It's the same product that I used for the coasters.  I like it because it gives the box a more finished look.  I knew that I was done with the coats after I checked all of the surfaces to make sure that they were smooth and uniform.

    I wanted to jazz up the inside edge of the box a little bit because, well, because why not.  I brought out my favorite paper tape again.  You may remember it from my MacBook.  Ta-da!

    Here is another look at the finished product.  It's a creative and inexpensive idea for any Lego-lover.  It can be the main gift or be used at the gift wrap.  If you try it out, tell me all about it.

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