
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pipe dreams

So, here is a picture of a pipe shelf that I made last year for my bathroom. 

I originally got the idea from Apartment Therapy last year.

There are several things that I wish weren't true:
1) My bathroom is messy.  Quick, don't look at all of the junk on the shelf above the sink.
2) This was taken on my iPhone.  Fair warning:  I told you in the last post that my initial pictures would be not-so-hot.

Here are some pictures of the shelf fully stocked.

It was really easy to make.  As far as tools, you just need a screw driver and electric drill.  From there, it was just a lot of measuring and deciding how far apart I wanted the each shelf as well was how high up the wall you want it to go.

I pretty much followed the plan from Apartment Therapy to a T, but used slightly different pipe sizes.  I plan to do something similar in my living room, but on a larger scale.  Someday...sigh.

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