
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Flea Market Fun!

First Kane County Flea Market of the year!
Here are my prizes
I really loved these guys: 6 of them for $2
Prizes for my sister - a working safe, some fun glasses: $5

I got 5 assorted metal crates and baskets for $20.  There is a really great project in their future.

After the jump you can see some pictures of fun stuff I found at the flea market.

 For the typography-lover in all of us.
 Hi!  Over here!
(Wait, why didn't I buy these?)
I agonized over whether or not to buy one of these.  Wouldn't it be cool as a chandelier?  Ugh, next time I will buy it!
 I loved this.  I didn't even bother looking at the price.
 Obviously, this guy was the highlight of my trip.  He was so sweet.
Everyone probably needs a set of glasses and a pitcher dedicated to our astronauts.
 This is cool.  Nothing more to say.

These steel shelves were amazing. I had no way to bring them home. But, man, If I did...

That was my trip today to the flea market.  Unfortunately, the Pyrex Lady wasn't there today.  Next month, Pyrex Lady.  I'll be ready.

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