
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Best weekends of the year. Hands down.

It isn't summer yet, but I'm already looking forward to my two favorite weekends of the year.  Every year they blow my mind for different reasons.

Weekend 1: Pitchfork Music Festival
This year it's July 13th-15th.  Check out this year's lineup!
Last year, my highlights were seeing Baths, Rebecca joining us for a day, Cut Copy,  tUnE-yArDs, Toro y Moi, and Animal Collective.
For 2012  I think I am most excited to see Hot Chip.  I can't wait to see the rest of the lineup.

Weekend 2: The Renegade Craft Fair
The year it's September 8th and 9th.
I save up just for this weekend!  Here's some info about this year.
I know that it isn't even summer yet, but I wait for this weekend all year.  It's fantastic.  Etsy in a street fair.

What is your favorite weekend of the year?

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